Kriya yoga guru Sri Dubeyji

Paramguru Maheshwari Prasad Dubey was born in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh in a devout Brahmin family to Shri Pawhari Sharan Dubey and Smt Sukhdeyi Devi on 04.01.1936. Simple, wise and charming Shri Maheshwari Prasad Dubey received initiation into kriya yoga from Netai Baba which he practised sincerely to attain self realisation while discharging all his duties as a householder and thereafter qualified for initiating others into kriya yoga.

Maheshwari Prasad Dubey  was an expert on Gita and Vedas and his book Kriya Yoga Rahasay based on kriya yoga sadhana is one of the most authentic books available on kriya yoga. For livelihood Dubey Baba sought employment with the Shipping Corporation of India at Kolkata that he voluntarily resigned after attaining kriya ki parawastha only to settle down permanently in his hometown where he used to remain engrossed in yogic trance.

Like his Guru, Dubeyji used to visit the houses of his disciples as per need with an intention of boosting their sadhana and wiping out negative energy from their houses. Dubey Baba gave up his earthly body on 17.07.2004 but his presence is even felt today by sincere kriyabans during the practice of sadhana. His eminent disciples include Dr Sudhin Ray, Arun Mukherjee, Rudra Bhattacharyya, Haradhan Bhattacharyya, Jyotirmoy Chowdhury, Bhaskar Bose, Ashok Kr Singh and others.

Excerpts from Dubeyji’s book